Health Warnings Coded in Your Handwriting
Your handwriting reveals more than just your personality traits, it even provides you with health warnings. There is an elaborate science behind deciphering the hidden meanings behind a person’s handwriting and it is referred to as graphology.
In modern times, it is used to serve a variety of purposes from criminal investigations to answering numerous queries related to your health. It has also become a common practice to use this art to analyze potentially beneficial employees for various firms.
With remarkable advancement in the field of graphology, you can now find out if any of your loved ones has any disturbing clinical conditions such as schizophrenia, autism and dyslexia etc.
The following is a list of diseases as well as physiological processes that can be determined by your handwriting:
High Blood Pressure
It is possible to make out whether a person has high blood pressure or not by analyzing their handwriting. This is so, because the characteristics of the handwriting of a person afflicted with high blood pressure vary dramatically as compared to those when the person has a normally functioning cardiovascular system. The ‘anxious’ state acquired as a result of high blood pressure makes the handwriting very shaky.
Graphologists have determined the fact that the letters produced by hypertensive patients are very uneven in nature. They represent general shakiness and overall, present a very dirty state of affairs.
It is possible to determine a positive pregnancy by looking at a woman’s handwriting even before the mother-to-be is aware of it. Researchers have found out that it is possible to detect the presence of the ‘pregnancy spot’ around 72 hours after conception in a woman’s handwriting.
For this purpose, various samples of the woman’s handwriting need to studied carefully and the spot is located in the middle zone of the pregnant woman’s handwriting especially noting the letters ‘a’ and ‘o’. Also, by analyzing the loops of ‘p’, ‘f’, ‘g’ and ‘y’, the gender of the unborn child can be clearly determined to be characterized by XY at the end of the sixth gestational month. In case of a girl child, the said loops will point towards the left.

It is also possible to ascertain whether a person is in a happy state of mind or is clinically depressed by having a close look at their handwriting. When people are in a cheerful mood, they tend to write in a flow which clearly shows in their handwritten script. Also, if the crossbar of ‘t’ slants in an upward position from left to right, then that signifies optimism. This stands true for the overall trend in the handwriting with the upward slant representing optimism.
If, however, all the letters of the manuscript have a downward slant, then the subject is said to have depression. You will also notice a lack of alignment. With the above knowledge in their hand, graphologists can determine the health of a person by looking at their handwriting. These measures have been of great value to physicians and patients alike.
The elaborate science of graphology is not new to the human race and has been around from the times of Aristotle. Its genesis is deeply rooted in ancient times and interest in this field has been recorded since the year 1622. Concrete measures to explore this field have been underway since 1872 with French graphologist Hypolite Michon and his companion, Jules Crepieux-Jamin initiating the development of the school of isolated signs. This school made an informed attempt at establishing a correlation between specific human traits with distinct styles of handwriting.
Later in 1910, Milton Newman Bunker, a teacher from Kansas City, initiated a wave of interest in this field by assessing his own handwriting in great detail. Five years later, he came up with remarkable observations and results after having studied the handwriting of his students.
In today’s times, we have the Graphoanalysis- American System of handwriting analysis- to help us understand what lies beneath this unspoken form of expressionism.
Later in 1910, Milton Newman Bunker, a teacher from Kansas City, initiated a wave of interest in this field by assessing his own handwriting in great detail. Five years later, he came up with remarkable observations and results after having studied the handwriting of his students.
In today’s times, we have the Graphoanalysis- American System of handwriting analysis- to help us understand what lies beneath this unspoken form of expressionism.
What researchers look for in your handwriting
It is common practice to carefully analyze the handwriting while determining the presence of a disease or a normal physiological condition such as a pregnancy inside your body. Graphologists look for the following:
• Upper zone letters such as f, t, l and I with intense focus on the placement of i-dots and t-bars.
• Middle zone letters such as a, n, o and w
• Lower zone letters such as f, g, p and y and how their loops are executed
Graphologists pay particular heed to word spacing, breaks in the line, consistency in the execution of letters, pressure applied while writing and the forms of dots used to characterize letters.
• Upper zone letters such as f, t, l and I with intense focus on the placement of i-dots and t-bars.
• Middle zone letters such as a, n, o and w
• Lower zone letters such as f, g, p and y and how their loops are executed
Graphologists pay particular heed to word spacing, breaks in the line, consistency in the execution of letters, pressure applied while writing and the forms of dots used to characterize letters.